
Want to be Indian

What is it that is so enchanging with indians? I've realised that I have bought/want a lot of indian-inspired stuff. Like for exsample:

Ok, if you dont realice what is so 'indian' about it, witch means you havent looked at many pictures of indians or watched the movie 'Dancing with wolfs' - Then your so on my burn-list.

Just for the 'fo - with indian I mean native american, not inder like people who lives in india. Perhaps i have written wrong, but excuse me for not beeing perfect in anyway.

But anyroad, I wish i was an indian, they are so pretty, they wear pretty clothes, have pretty names and just think about the bondage with other in the tribe. Im not writing about those hip-indians, but those who still live in tribes and blow smoke pipes and hunt. Purr, just think about the abs the indian boys get after hunting all day <3<3<33333>

Since this is my first .... blog-thingy, I just have to give you a little 'fo.

1. I am a very ironic person when i write.

2. When i write like this: :D<33<3<3<3> - Then Im eighter extreamly happy, or extreamly mad or ironic.

4. 'Fo means info.

I have no idea where the '3.' - went. I promise I wrote it.

Probably he got realy inspired and went to buy some indian-ish feather necklases.

1 kommentar:

  1. haha, "Probably he got realy inspired and went to buy some indian-ish feather necklases." fun
